Electrical Fire Prevention Tips

Every year, homes are destroyed and people are grievously injured due to electrical fires that could have been otherwise prevented. Electrical fires are harder to extinguish than regular fires, but are easily preventable if you know what to do. Here are tips on how to prevent an electrical fire in your home. Electrical Fire

  • Don’t plug too many items into one outlet. Overuse of outlets is one of the most common causes of electrical fires, and it can be prevented with the right surge protectors. Take some care to avoid overuse of electrical sockets, and you’ll significantly reduce your chances of a fire.
  • If you notice that your extension cords are damaged, toss them. As a rule, cords that are being plugged in should not be frayed or damaged in any way. Frayed electric cords are literally only a spark away from catching fire.
  • Know the warning signs. Frequent fuse blowouts, hot-to-the-touch outlets, and flickering lights are a sign that you need to call an electrician. Something may be seriously wrong with your electric circuit, and that can cause a fire if it’s left untreated.
  • Install ground fault circuit interrupters and arc fault circuit interrupters in your home. GFCI’s and AFCI’s are devices that are specifically designed to help reduce the risk of an electrical fire.
  • Use bulbs that match a lamp’s suggested wattage. Sure, bright lights can be fun, but if they cause a fire, it won’t be fun at all. Stick to your lamp’s recommended wattage or lower.
  • Be careful with extension cords. Using extension cords should be avoided unless it’s necessary. If you do have to use them, make sure that you don’t jam them under (or in) doorways, and that you also avoid running extension cords under carpets. If you notice extension cords getting frayed, replace them immediately.
  • Only use UL-listed electrical products. UL-listed products are considered the gold standard of safety for electronics. By using UL-listed products, you are taking steps to prevent electrical fires and shortages.
  • Keep an ABC fire extinguisher on hand. Water doesn’t extinguish electrical fires, so make sure that your home is equipped with a fire extinguisher that can get rid of electrical fires in a pinch.

Consult with a Phoenix licensed electrician to perform a home inspection to identify any potential electrical fire hazards in your home. It doesn’t take too much to prevent an electrical fire from causing damage to your home, your properties, and your family. With a small amount of prevention work, you can avoid being one of the nearly 50,000 homes that suffer an electrical fire every year.


One Response to Electrical Fire Prevention Tips

  1. Caryl Anne June 23, 2014 at 8:32 am #

    Excellent tips of advice! I agree that it’s best to not over plug cords and to check any cords for damage. Doing these two simple tips can help keep you and your home protected and your costs low. Thanks for sharing!

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